uh yeah before you start i will shade it right away i just wanted to show that i am trying to make my own sprites...also because its FEB the 12th which means happy Birthday to Mr supermecha also this isn't the only sprite i have been making affair few um ya know with the 3rd agency most used guns BS from 2018 well ive been busy working on them i will try to try as in TRY and not be a lazy prick to get these into uhh sprite sheets so IF others wanna use them they can but anyways other things i wanted to touch on is uh if any of you remember that Fucking shit ass Karak Fuck Tard thing well im gonna stay away from things like that i mean i dont wanna have a whole drama program on it like the Kelzad stuff with Janer no offense but that karak thing looked way to similar to yeelon... So i will definitely try for a different well not different many games have done it but a Possible Hivemind if ya know what i mean because the vagina faced creatures i have sparked to life is uh i would say a good stepping stone if i where to make it a hive mind Jesus look at me drone on im terribly sorry but yeah uh what do you think in either critism or helpful info i do not mind and again very happy birthday supermecha :)
this is completely off topic but anyways i went to aerospace down in filton and BOI have you see the british BloodHound Anti air missile omfg its like the poms and the nork's had a Big thicc baby Its fcking huge literally look it up!